A Case Study in Ambient Clinical Voice at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Each day that passes, I’m seeing how ambient clinical voice has become the most impactful part of health IT since the $36 billion of stimulus money for EHR software.  What’s most exciting about this technology is that it’s mature enough to be used by doctors and provide a lot of value today and yet we’re still in the early days of what’s going to be possible with this technology.  I believe every CIO, CMIO, and CMO should be evaluating this technology and understanding how it can help their organization.

As we continue to share more about ambient clinical voice, we’re excited to share an interview with Matt Keefer, MD – Chief Medical Informatics Officer at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), and Ed Lee, MD, MPH – Chief Medical Officer at Nabla, to hear about CHLA’s experience using Nabla first as a pilot and now rolling it out more broadly in their organization.  Dr. Keefer talks about the clinician experience in the pilot and how one of the most interesting reactions to the pilot was when doctors said variations of, “You’re not going to take this away from me are you?” followed by “I’d pay for this if you’re not going to buy it.”

What you’ll also find interesting in our interview with Dr. Keefer and Dr. Lee is how they referenced their use of Nabla’s ambient clinical voice solution as a partnership.  As I mentioned above, this technology has really matured, but there are still opportunities to enhance the software and improve the experience even more.  Dr. Keefer highlighted how it was really valuable that Nabla was there for them and their users so they that could customize and adapt the Nabla software to the unique needs of the CHLA users.

In our interview, Dr. Lee also talked about his experience rolling out Nabla at The Permanente Medical Group and how that paralelled Dr. Keefer’s experience with Nabla at CHLA.  We also asked Dr. Lee about his decision to join Nabla as CMO.  Then, we talk with them both about the benefits CHLA and other Nabla customers have seen from rolling out ambient clinical voice including things like a reduction in “pajama time”, improvement in overall wellness, and improvement in how they connect with patients.

Finally, we ask Dr. Keefer what advice he’d give other healthcare leaders that are looking to implement ambient AI solutions and what they should be looking for.  Plus, they both share what they see as next steps in their partnership together.

Check out our video interview below with CHLA and Nabla to learn more about their experience implementing ambient clinical voice first as a pilot and now rolled out to all of their users.

Learn more about CHLA: https://www.chla.org/

Learn more about Nabla: https://www.nabla.com/

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Nabla is a proud sponsor of Healthcare Scene.

About the author

John Lynn

John Lynn is the Founder of HealthcareScene.com, a network of leading Healthcare IT resources. The flagship blog, Healthcare IT Today, contains over 13,000 articles with over half of the articles written by John. These EMR and Healthcare IT related articles have been viewed over 20 million times.

John manages Healthcare IT Central, the leading career Health IT job board. He also organizes the first of its kind conference and community focused on healthcare marketing, Healthcare and IT Marketing Conference, and a healthcare IT conference, EXPO.health, focused on practical healthcare IT innovation. John is an advisor to multiple healthcare IT companies. John is highly involved in social media, and in addition to his blogs can be found on Twitter: @techguy.

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