Engagement in mHealth-Prompted Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring Among Participants Recruited From a Safety-Net Emergency Department: Secondary Analysis of the Reach Out Trial

Engagement in mHealth-Prompted Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring Among Participants Recruited From a Safety-Net Emergency Department: Secondary Analysis of the Reach Out Trial

Background: Hypertension, a key modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, is more prevalent among Black and low-income individuals. To address this health disparity, leveraging safety-net Emergency Departments for scalable mobile health (mHealth) interventions, specifically…

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Effectiveness of Mobile-Based Progressive and Fixed Physical Activity on Depression, Stress, Anxiety, and Quality of Life Outcomes Among Adults in South Korea: Randomized Controlled Trial

Effectiveness of Mobile-Based Progressive and Fixed Physical Activity on Depression, Stress, Anxiety, and Quality of Life Outcomes Among Adults in South Korea: Randomized Controlled Trial

Background: Depression acts as a significant obstacle to the overall well-being of individuals. Given the significant consequences, timely recognition and proactive steps to manage symptoms of depression become essential. Such actions not only reduce…

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